Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Walking with New Pack

Two days ago I stuff some rolled up blankets into my new backpack. According to the bathroom scale (which I hope is accurate weighing a backpack, but why shouldn't it be) the whole thing was ten pounds. OK, not very much, but one must start someplace.

In my twenties, my now ex-wife and I attempted backpacking in Rocky Mountain State Park. Of course all the literature and advice said practice with a loaded pack was critical. Well, we both said no way, both of us young and healthy people. We were experienced car/tent campers and thought we knew best how backpacking should be done.

We found a good trail and started out one morning. I am totally embarrassed to say we walked in about a mile and realized we were not in any shape to go further (hanging head in shame). We made it to a beautiful spot next to a bubbling stream underneath a fire tower. I'm not sure if it rained or not while the scenery was superb, the hiking and backpacking was a disaster.

Fast forward a few decades and Michelle and I are going to give backpacking and hiking a try. So I walked three miles with the pack which felt good. The weight was not on my hips well so that will need adjustment. I will walk again twice this week, three miles one time and five miles at the same weight.

We both are planning a longer hike this weekend Busse Woods Forest Preserve. The plan is to increase weight for next week's walks.

Busse Woods Bike Trail

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